Bauertology: 3/17/24 (FINAL)

One final plea from a bracketologist to you—take it easy on us.

This bracket is not going to be 100% correct. It never is—none ever are, every single year—because we can’t read the selection committee’s mind. But it’s especially true this year.

In all my years of bracketology, this is the wildest Selection Sunday I can ever remember. In addition to the bubble being just about strong as it’s ever been in recent memory, we’ve had four bid thieves, essentially pushing the typical Last Four In teams into First Four Out. That’s never happened.

We are going to breaking all sort of historical precedents; you can basically throw them all out. We’re going to have First Four games on the 10 seed line, for Pete’s sake.

There are so many teams that you can make 100 arguments for to include and just as many arguments to keep out. After bracketologists really nailed last year’s final reveal, I expect scores may be way down this year. Don’t be shocked if we get two, three, even four teams wrong. It’s that kind of craziness.

So don’t take it to heart if I, or some other bracketologist, has your team out of the field on in a bad seed. It’s nothing personal. We’re all just trying to predict what the selection committee will do, and this might be the single most difficult year to do it.

Well, here it is: the final Bauertology for 2024. And what a year it’s been. Thanks everyone for following along, and I can’t wait to do it all again next year.

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